Conversion therapy survivor Shaneel Lal said New Zealand has become complacent in failing to ban conversion therapy.
West St. Paul Considers Ordinance against Conversion Therapy
Considering a conversion therapy ban. the West St. Paul, Minnesota, City Council has approved the first reading of a proposed ordinance.
N.Y. Senate Minority Leader Criticized for Donation to Group that Supports Conversion Therapy
Critics ask New York Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt to explain his donation to the New Yorker’s Family Research Foundation, an anti-LGBTQ group that supports conversion therapy.
Democratic Platform Calls for Nationwide Ban against Conversion Therapy
The 2020 Democratic platform calls for a nationwide ban against conversion therapy.
Malaysia Government Targets LGBTQ Activist for Speaking Out Against Conversion Therapy
Fifteen human-rights groups in Malaysia are defending a critic of conversion therapy from government harassment.
British Conversion-Therapy Debate Continues
British Liberal Democrat Layla Moran is calling for the introduction of a United Kingdom-wide conversion-therapy ban.