The Kentucky Youth Law Project, Inc. (KYLP) and Born Perfect filed a complaint against a licensed clinical social worker in Kentucky. The complaint alleges that a minor was subjected to the unethical and discredited practice of conversion therapy.
Louisville, Kentucky, Leaders Vote to Ban Harmful Conversion Therapy
Louisville Metro Council voted 24 to 1 to approve an ordinance banning conversion therapy.
Baptist Pastor Vows to Support LGBTQ Youth
Baptist pastor Bob Browning appeals to conversion therapy’s supporters to listen to survivors and their families, and to support LGBTQ youth
Kentucky Hearing on Conversion-Therapy Ban Reflects Strong Conservative Support
Prominent Kentucky Republicans joined Democrats in supporting a conversion-therapy ban, during an Aug. 25 informational hearing.
Former Conversion-Therapy Advocates Call for Kentucky Ban
Ban Conversion Therapy Kentucky has gained a powerful new ally: 24 former advocates of conversion therapy programs, who later repudiated conversion therapy and now call for Kentucky to ban the harmful practice.
Kentucky Republicans Co-Lead Effort to Protect LGBTQ Youth
Rep. Kim Banta is one of four Republicans sponsoring efforts in Kentucky, alongside Democrats, to ban conversion therapy and protect youth.